Why Is My Cat Scratching the Floor After Eating?

Why Is My Cat Scratching the Floor After Eating?

Why does your cat scratch the floor like it’s a secret treasure map after eating?

Scratching the floor after eating is a natural act. This habit of scratching the floor came from their ancestors. It almost looks like they are trying to bury their food. They used to burry the leftover food to avoid attracting predators. Many cat owners see this odd behavior and get confused. This confusion makes you think about “does your cat need special food?”

Some cats do it every time they eat. On the other hand, some do it occasionally. Understanding why your cat does this can help you appreciate their instincts. If you find this behavior of your cat annoying, you can take some simple steps to change it. Cats have unique ways of marking their space. This is because they are territorial animals.

Caching, Protecting, or Disposing of Food

Some cats in the wild often bury their food to protect themselves from the enemy. Their buried food has a little smell. This little smell can not attract their predators. If they are females and nursing their kittens, they will do this act to prevent their kittens. Some male cats spray their urine on the buried food. It is the warning sign to their predators to stay away.

Cats all over the world copy this behavior. It is similar to food caching. It is usually the nature of big cats like leopard. They are known for food caching which involves food storing up to the trees. If you put newspaper under the food plate, you may notice your cat scratching under the plate. It will try to shred the newspaper to hide the food. this is another type of food caching.

Preference for clean spaces

Some cats are naturally clean and prefer their eating area to be clean. If your cat scratches the floor after eating, they might be trying to clean the crumbs. They will do this act even if there is nothing. It is all about keeping their things neat. Your cat might do the same thing after drinking water.

The scratching on the floor can be have different reasons. It is same in most of the cases. If the scratching of your cat is becoming excessive, you can try a feeding mat under their bowl. This can help them feel like they have a cleaner space.

I still remember the first time I saw my cat, Luna, scratching the floor after eating. At first, I thought she didn’t like her food or maybe something was wrong. But after a bit of research, I learned that it’s a natural behavior. Cats often scratch or paw around their food bowls as if they are burying their leftovers. It’s an instinct from their wild ancestors who used to hide food to keep it safe from predators. It turns out Luna wasn’t being picky—she was just following her natural instincts!

Scratching or meowing as communication

Sometimes, their scratching is not about their habit. It can be the way of talking to you. Your cat might try to attract your attention if it scratches and meow at the same time. They behavior can mean they are not happy with their food. They may dislike the food. You have to know what is the best cat food to make them happy.

You have to pay attention about your cat’s activity. If they scratch and meow after every meal, try changing their meal. You should always know how much food should a cat eat. This knowledge makes you to feed them the right portion of food. Sometimes meowing and scratching means they just need food to eat or they want attention.

Why Is My Cat Scratching the Floor After Eating?

How do I manage this behavior?

Scratching the floor after eating is usually normal. If your cat is doing it excessively, it might be the time to take action. If it’s becoming a problem there are ways to decrease this act. Knowing some solutions would help you manage this behavior.

Changing feeding spot

The feeding environment of your cat plays an important role in their behavior. If they scratch too much after eating then their eating area might be making them uncomfortable. Some cats prefer eating in a quiet and private space. Some key points might help you.

  • Try moving their food bowl to a different spot.
  • Keep the area away from loud places.
  • Make sure their food and water bowls are not too close to the litter box.

Using placemats

If the scratching of your cat is damaging the floors, you should use a placemat under their food bowl. Most of the cats scratch out of habit, so changing the surface can help.

  • Silicon or rubber placemats are easy to clean. It also provides a surface for scratching that won’t ruin your floor.
  • Try textured mats which can easily satisfy their urge to scratch.
  • If you have a cat that likes to push you can try non-slip mat.

Switching the food

If your cat is scratching near their food but not eating. It could be a sign that they don’t like the food.

  • Try switching to a different brand and flavors.
  • Check the food if it has expired.
  • Make sure their food bowl is clean.


Scratching the floor after eating is a natural behavior in cats. If they are scratching more than they do. You have to manage this condition before it damage your floor. Adjusting their feeding spot and using placemats can help you to protect the floor. You can help reduce this habit while keeping your cat happy. If your cat’s behavior suddenly changes you should consult a vet first.


What is the reason behind a cat scratching the floor?

If a cat is continuously scratching a floor. The reason should be the place you are giving the food. Some cats also scratch for attention.

Why a cat scratches the floor like a litter box?

A cat may scratch the floor like a litter box because of their natural instinct to bury things. If this behavior happens frequently, they might not be comfortable.

Why does my cat keep pawing the ground?

Your cat keeps pawing the ground due to natural instincts related to food and comfort.

Why is my cat scratching the same spot on the floor after eating?

If your cat is scratching the same spot on the floor after eating they might be trying to bury the left overs.


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